YAKAMI DICOM Tools ver. Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2012. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ Usage: cmd_conv.exe {/mode file_file|file_dir|dirfile_dir|dir_dir} {/indir input_folder_path} {/infile input_file_path} {/insubdir true|false} {/inext input_extension} {/outdir output_folder path} {/outfile output_file_path} {/pathcmd output_path_cmd}{/ww window_width} {/wl window_level} {/imgw image_width} {/imgh image_height} {/fmt bmp|emf|exf|dcm|gif|ico|jpg|mbm|png|tif|wmf} {/logfile log_file_path} {/loglevel 0|1|2|3} {/msglevel 0|1|2|3} /mode: mode to specify input files and their output paths. file_file: input files are specified with /infile arguments, output paths are specified with /outfile arguments. file_dir: input files are specified with /infile arguments, output paths are specified with a /outdir argument. If, for example, "/mode file_dir /infile C:\input\file1 /outdir C:\output" is specified, the output path is "C:\output\file1". dirfile_dir: input files are specified with a /indir argument and /infile arguments, output paths are specified with a /outdir argument. If, for example, "/mode dirfile_dir /indir C:\input /infile file1 file2 /outdir C:\output" is specified, the output paths are "C:\output\file1" and "C:\output\file2". dir_dir: input files are specified with a /indir argument, output paths are specified with a /outdir argument. If, for example, "/mode dir_dir /indir C:\input /outdir C:\output" is specified and the folder, "C:\input" has two files of "file1" and "file2", the output paths are "C:\output\file1" and "C:\output\file2". /indir: input folder path. i.e. /indir C:\input /infile: input file path. i.e. /infile C:\input\file1.dcm C:\input\file2.dcm /insubdir: 'yes' to process files in sub-directories. Or, 'no'. i.e. /insubdir yes /inext: input file filter with a extension. i.e. /inext .dcm /outdir: output folder path. i.e. /outdir C:\output /outfile: output file path. i.e. /outfile C:\output\file1.dcm C:\output\file2.dcm /pathcmd: a command to specify output path. The syntax of the output path command is written in 'filename.txt'. i.e. /pathcmd {ODIR}\{PTID}-{STID}-{SEID}-{SEDESC}\{INID}.dcm /ww: Window Width. If not specified, the first value in each DICOM file is applied to convert the image data to image file(s). i.e. /ww 300 /wl: Window Level. If not specified, the first value in each DICOM file is applied to convert the image data to image file(s). i.e. /wl 30 /imgw: Image Width. If not specified, the image width of the output image file is the same with that of the image data in each DICOM file. i.e. /imgw 256 /imgh: Image Height. If not specified, the image height of the output image file is the same with that of the image data in each DICOM file. i.e. /imgh 256 /fmt: Output File Format. Multiple choice allowed. i.e. /fmt jpg dcm xml bmp: Bitmap (*.bmp) emf: Extended Windows Meta File (EMF)(*.emf) dcm: DICOM Format (*.dcm) exf: Exif (Exchangeable Image File)(*.exf) gif: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)(*.gif) ico: Windows Icon (*.ico) jpg: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)(*.jpg) mbm: Memory Bitmap (*.bmp) png: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)(*.png) tif: TIFF (Tag Image File Format)(*.tif) wmf: Windows Meta File (WMF)(*.wmf) /script: Apply DICOM Conversion Script (.dcmcs/.txt). i.e. /script anonymize.txt /logfile: Log file path. i.e. /logfile C:\log\cmd_conv.log /loglevel: Level of log verbosity. The logs are written to the log file. i.e. /loglevel 3 0: non 1: start and stop, program errors. 2: 1 and file conversion log 3: 2 and details of file conversion errors. /msglevel: Level of message vervosity. The messages are shown to the standard error output (STDERR). i.e. /msglevel 3 0: non 1: start and stop, program errors. 2: 1 and file conversion log 3: 2 and details of file conversion errors. Example: cmd_conv.exe /mode file_dir /infile C:\input\file1.dcm C:\input\file2.dcm /outdir C:\output /fmt jpg