YAKAMI DICOM Tools ver. Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2008. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ How to control "DICOM Converter" interactively by a DOS prompt. ================================================================================ "DICOM Converter" processes command line arguments. The list of the command line switchs are as follows. If file names are specified as arguments without a swich, "DICOM Converter" detects the kind of the files with their extensions. If "DICOM Converter" is started while another instance already exists, the newer instance sends its command line arguments to the older one and finishes, and the older instance processes the arguments. Command Line switches: /I : Regard the following argument as a input setting file, and load it. /B : Regard the following argument as the base folder, and set it. /A : Regard the following arguments as target files or folders, and add them. /C : Regard the following argument as a conversion setting file, and load it. /S : Regard the following argument as a conversion script file, and set it. /O : Regard the following argument as the output folder, and set it. /L : Regard the following argument as the log file, and set it. /CONV : Push "Convert All" button. /VERBOSE : Change to verbose mode, in which dialogs are shown. /SILENT: Change to verbose mode, in which dialogs are suppressed. /DELALL: Delete all entries from the target file list. File Extensions: *.dcm : DICOM File *.dcmci: Input Setting File *.dcmcc: Conversion Setting File *.dcmcs: Conversion Script file ---- written by Masahiro Yakami (yakami@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp) 27 Nov 2008 Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2008. All rights reserved.