YAKAMI DICOM Tools ver. Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2013. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ How to control "Table Maker" interactively by a DOS prompt. ================================================================================ "Table Maker" processes command line arguments. The list of the command line switchs are as follows. If "Table Maker" is started while another instance already exists, the newer instance sends its command line arguments to the older one and finishes, and the older instance processes the arguments. /ADDFILE file_path_1 (file_path_2 ...) Add the file(s) to the target file list. /ADDDIR folder_path_1 (folder_path_2 ...) Add all the files in the folder(s) to the target file list. /DELALLFILE Clear the target file list. /LOADFILELIST list_file_path_1 (list_file_path_2 ...) Add all the files written in the list file(s) to the target file list. /SAVEFILELIST list_file_path_1 (list_file_path_2 ...) Save the file list as list file(s). /ADDTAG group_no tag_no Add the tag specified with group_no and tag_no in hexadecimal to the tag list. e.g. /ADDTAG 0010 0020 (Patient ID) /DELALLTAG Clear the tag list. /LOADTAGLIST list_file_path_1 (list_file_path_2 ...) Add the tags saved in the list file(s) to the tag list. /SAVETAGLIST list_file_path_1 (list_file_path_2 ...) Save the tag list as the list file(s). /SHOWTAGNO {true|false} Check or uncheck "Show Tag No" checkbox. e.g. /SHOWTAGNO true /SHOWTAGEXP {true|false} Check or uncheck "Show Exp." checkbox. e.g. /SHOWTAGEXP true /SAVETABLE file_path Save the result table as a file. If the extension is .csv, the table are saved in CSV format, or saved in TAB-separeted text format. /EXIT Terminate "Table Maker". ---- written by Masahiro Yakami (yakami@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp) 28 Jun 2013 Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2013. All rights reserved.