YAKAMI DICOM Tools ver. Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2011. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ Mouse Operation ================================================================================ Mouse drag setting is indicated on the status bar in right-aligned. [Ctrl]/[Shift] key press changes the indication according to the setting. You can change the setting freely with a form shown by clicking "Drag Setting" link on the status bar or the following menu: Menu: [Initial Settings]-[Viewer Windows]-[Drag Setting menu...] Mouse wheel is always alloted to paging. ================================================================================ Keyboard Operation ================================================================================ Keyboard operation is not editable. Slice: Previous: [Left]/[Up] key, [B] key Next: [Right]/[Down] key, [SPACE] key Slice (skipping): Previous: [PageUp] Next: [PageDown] Move Image: [Left]: [Shift]+[Left] key, [Shift]+[V] key [Right]: [Shift]+[Right] key, [Shift]+[N] key [Up]: [Shift]+[Up] key, [Shift]+[B] key [Down]: [Shift]+[Down] key, [Shift]+[SPACE] key WL/WW: narrow WW (higher contrast): [Ctrl]+[Left] key, [Ctrl]+[V] key widen WW (lower contrast): [Ctrl]+[Right], [Ctrl]+[N] key decrease WL (brighter): [Ctrl]+[Up] key, [Ctrl]+[B] key increase WL (darker): [Ctrl]+[Down] key, [Ctrl]+[SPACE] key Magnification: decrease (smaller): [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Up] key, [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[B] key increase (larger): [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Down] key, [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[SPACE] key Popup menu: [Application] key, [M] key Change Information Overlay: [I] key for the active child window. [Ctrl]+[I] for the application setting. Show/hide Drawings: [D] key [Ctrl]+[D] for the application setting. Show/hide Orientation: [O] key [Ctrl]+[O] for the application setting. Show/hide Ruler: [R] key [Ctrl]+[R] for the application setting. Show/hide Reading Progress: [P] key [Ctrl]+[P] for the application setting. ================================================================================ How to control "DICOM Viewer" interactively by a DOS prompt. ================================================================================ "DICOM Viewer" processes command line arguments. The list of the command line switchs are as follows. If file names are specified as arguments without a swich, "DICOM Viewer" detects the kind of the files with their extensions. If "DICOM Viewer" is started while another instance already exists, the newer instance sends its command line arguments to the older one and finishes, and the older instance processes the arguments. Command Line switches: "/Maximize": Maximize the main window. "/Minimize": Minimize the main window. "/Normalize": Normalize the main window. "/Overlap": Layout child windows with overlap mode. "/Vertical": Layout child windows with vertical mode. "/Horizontal": Layout child windows with horizontal mode. "/CloseAllWnd": Close all child windows. "/Capture": Capture the active child window. "/CaptureAll": Capture the parent window. "/Exit": Finish this application. Resident if set to be Resident mode. "/ExitApp": Finish this application including resident process. "/Top" "/Top_On": Set the window to be always on the top. "/Top_Off": Set the window not to be always on the top. "/Resident" "/Resident_On": Set resident mode. "/Resident_Off": Set non-resident mode. "/L": Regard the following argument as a log file, and execute. "/D": Regard the following arguments as folders containign DICOM files, and load them. "/P": Regard the following arguments as a log line, and play. "/C": Regard the following arguments as capture files, and execute them. "/A": Regard the following arguments as "CaptureAll" files, and execute them. "/F": Regard the following arguments as file/folder list files, and execute them. "/R": Regard the following arguments as raw files, and open them. If no switch is specified, arguments are regarded as files or folders, and opened. The type of the files is automatically determined by their extention. File Extensions: ".dcmvl", ".log": Log file ".dcmvc": Capture file (child window) ".dcmva": Capture file (main window) ".dcmvf": DICOM file/folder list file. ".raw": RAW format file. Other files: DICOM Files Other folders: Folders containing DICOM files. ---- written by Masahiro Yakami (yakami@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp) 31 May 2011 Copyright (C) Masahiro YAKAMI 2011. All rights reserved.