2009年業績 (Peer-reviewed English papers)
- Fushimi Y, Miki Y, Mori N, Okada T, Urayama SI, Fukuyama H, Togashi K, Signal Changes in the Brain on Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Under Reduced Cerebral Blood Flow: A Preliminary Study. J Neuroimaging, 2009.
- Gotoh K, Okada T, Miki Y, Ikedo M, Ninomiya A, Kamae T, Togashi K, Visualization of the lenticulostriate artery with flow-sensitive black-blood acquisition in comparison with time-of-flight MR angiography. J Magn Reson Imaging 29(1): 65-9, 2009.
- Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Aramaki Y, Okada T, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Naito E, Visuokinesthetic perception of hand movement is mediated by cerebro-cerebellar interaction between the left cerebellum and right parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex 19(1): 176-86, 2009.
- Hara T, Higashi T, Nakamoto Y, Suga T, Saga T, Ishimori T, Ishizu K, Kawashima H, Kawase S, Matsumoto K, Togashi K, Significance of chronic marked hyperglycemia on FDG-PET: is it really problematic for clinical oncologic imaging? Ann Nucl Med 23(7): 657-69, 2009.
- Hirokawa Y, Isoda H, Maetani YS, Arizono S, Shimada K, Okada T, Shibata T, Togashi K, Hepatic lesions: improved image quality and detection with the periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction technique–evaluation of SPIO-enhanced T2-weighted MR images. Radiology 251(2): 388-97, 2009.
- Ito I, Ishida T, Togashi K, Niimi A, Koyama H, Ishimori T, Kobayashi H, Mishima M, Differentiation of bacterial and non-bacterial community-acquired pneumonia by thin-section computed tomography. Eur J Radiol 72(3): 388-95, 2009.
- Kaneta T, Takahashi S, Fukuda H, Arisaka Y, Oriuchi N, Hayashi T, Fujii H, Terauchi T, Tateishi U, Kubota K, Hara T, Nakamoto Y, Kitajima K, Murakami K, Clinical significance of performing 18F-FDG PET on patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors: a summary of a Japanese multicenter study. Ann Nucl Med 23(5): 459-64, 2009.
- Kasahara S, Miki Y, Mori N, Urayama S, Kanagaki M, Fushimi Y, Maeda C, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Togashi K, Spin-echo T1-weighted imaging of the brain with interleaved acquisition and presaturation pulse at 3 T: a feasibility study before clinical use. Acad Radiol 16(7): 852-7, 2009.
- Kataoka M, Kido A, Yamamoto A, Nakamoto Y, Koyama T, Isoda H, Maetani Y, Umeoka S, Tamai K, Saga T, Morisawa N, Mori S, Togashi K, Diffusion tensor imaging of kidneys with respiratory triggering: optimization of parameters to demonstrate anisotropic structures on fraction anisotropy maps. J Magn Reson Imaging 29(3): 736-44, 2009.
- Kido A, Nakamoto Y, Nishizawa S, Yamamoto A, Fujimoto K, Okada H, Togashi K, Physiological uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in uterine endometrium and myometrium: correlation with uterine motility evaluated by cine magnetic resonance imaging. Acta Radiol 50(4): 455-61, 2009.
- Kido A, Togashi K, Hatayama H, Nakayama T, Yamamoto A, Kataoka M, Tulandi T, Uterine peristalsis in women with repeated IVF failures: possible therapeutic effect of hyoscine bromide. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 31(8): 732-5, 2009.
- Kikuchi M, Naito Y, Senda M, Okada T, Shinohara S, Fujiwara K, Hori SY, Tona Y, Yamazaki H, Cortical activation during optokinetic stimulation – an fMRI study. Acta Otolaryngol 129(4): 440-3, 2009.
- Kitajima K, Murakami K, Kanegae K, Tamaki N, Kaneta T, Fukuda H, Nakajima K, Fujii H, Tateishi U, Kubota K, Suga T, Nakamoto Y, Clinical impact of whole body FDG-PET for recurrent biliary cancer: a multicenter study. Ann Nucl Med 23(8): 709-15, 2009.
- Miki Y, Isoda H, Togashi K, Guideline to use gadolinium-based contrast agents at Kyoto University Hospital. J Magn Reson Imaging 30(6): 1364-5, 2009.
- Mori N, Miki Y, Kasahara S, Maeda C, Kanagaki M, Urayama S, Sawamoto N, Fukuyama H, Togashi K, Susceptibility-weighted imaging at 3 Tesla delineates the optic radiation. Invest Radiol 44(3): 140-5, 2009.
- Nakamoto Y, Tamai K, Saga T, Higashi T, Hara T, Suga T, Koyama T, Togashi K, Clinical value of image fusion from MR and PET in patients with head and neck cancer. Mol Imaging Biol 11(1): 46-53, 2009.
- Nakamoto Y, Togashi K, Kaneta T, Fukuda H, Nakajima K, Kitajima K, Murakami K, Fujii H, Satake M, Tateishi U, Kubota K, Senda M, Clinical value of whole-body FDG-PET for recurrent gastric cancer: a multicenter study. Jpn J Clin Oncol 39(5): 297-302, 2009.
- Narita M, Hatano E, Arizono S, Miyagawa-Hayashino A, Isoda H, Kitamura K, Taura K, Yasuchika K, Nitta T, Ikai I, Uemoto S, Expression of OATP1B3 determines uptake of Gd-EOB-DTPA in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol 44(7): 793-8, 2009.
- Okada T, Kanao S, Ninomiya A, Sato S, Kuhara S, Kamae T, Gotoh K, Togashi K, Whole-heart coronary magnetic resonance angiography with parallel imaging: comparison of acceleration in one-dimension vs. two-dimensions. Eur J Radiol 71(3): 486-91, 2009.
- Okada T, Kuhara S, Kanao S, Ninomiya A, Sato S, Kamae T, Gotoh K, Togashi K, Facilitated acquisition of whole-heart coronary magnetic resonance angiography with visual feedback of respiration status. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 25(4): 397-403, 2009.
- Satogami N, Okada T, Koyama T, Gotoh K, Kamae T, Togashi K, Visualization of external carotid artery and its branches: non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography using balanced steady-state free-precession sequence and a time-spatial labeling inversion pulse. J Magn Reson Imaging 30(3): 678-83, 2009.
- Shibata T, Isoda H, Hirokawa Y, Arizono S, Shimada K, Togashi K, Small hepatocellular carcinoma: is radiofrequency ablation combined with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization more effective than radiofrequency ablation alone for treatment? Radiology 252(3): 905-13, 2009.
- Shimada K, Isoda H, Okada T, Kamae T, Arizono S, Hirokawa Y, Shibata T, Togashi K, Non-contrast-enhanced MR portography with time-spatial labeling inversion pulses: comparison of imaging with three-dimensional half-fourier fast spin-echo and true steady-state free-precession sequences. J Magn Reson Imaging 29(5): 1140-6, 2009.
- Shimada K, Isoda H, Okada T, Kamae T, Arizono S, Hirokawa Y, Togashi K, Unenhanced MR portography with a half-Fourier fast spin-echo sequence and time-space labeling inversion pulses: preliminary results. AJR Am J Roentgenol 193(1): 106-12, 2009.
- Shimada K, Isoda H, Okada T, Kamae T, Maetani Y, Arizono S, Hirokawa Y, Shibata T, Togashi K, Non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography for selective visualization of the hepatic vein and inferior vena cava with true steady-state free-precession sequence and time-spatial labeling inversion pulses: preliminary results. J Magn Reson Imaging 29(2): 474-9, 2009.
- Shimada K, Isoda H, Okada T, Maetani Y, Arizono S, Hirokawa Y, Kamae T, Togashi K, Non-contrast-enhanced hepatic MR angiography with true steady-state free-precession and time spatial labeling inversion pulse: optimization of the technique and preliminary results. Eur J Radiol 70(1): 111-7, 2009.
- Takahata A, Koyama T, Kido A, Kataoka M, Umeoka S, Nishizawa S, Nishimura T, Togashi K, The frequency of the plicae palmatae in the uterine cervix on MR imaging. Abdom Imaging 34(2): 277-9, 2009.
- Tateishi U, Hosono A, Makimoto A, Nakamoto Y, Kaneta T, Fukuda H, Murakami K, Terauchi T, Suga T, Inoue T, Kim EE, Comparative study of FDG PET/CT and conventional imaging in the staging of rhabdomyosarcoma. Ann Nucl Med 23(2): 155-61, 2009.